Mood: Relaxed. Enjoying the long weekend with husband and son. Enjoying the sun!
It's been a long time since I last shared with you what's been happening with me and my family. It's been busy, hectic and challenging, I must say. My son was in the hospital for 7 days in March...and he's okay now, thank God! He is gaining a lot of weight which is good! We will be moving to a house that's suitable for his special needs soon but we still do not have the date. We are getting there. It just takes time.
On Saturday, husband and I were able to get a few hours respite (thanks to Crossroads). We did some shopping and had a nice, relaxing drive home. On our way home, we drove past Blickling Hall and decided to have a look. It was marvelous! Blickling Hall is a stately home in Aylsham in Norfolk, England. This is now in the care of the National Trust. This home was once in the possession of the Boleyn family, and home to Sir Thomas Boleyn, Earl of Wiltshire and his wife Elizabeth, years 1499 - 1505. To know more, please click here. I have always been mesmerised by the structure and architecture of old English houses and buildings and this one had me in awe once again. It was just very nice to see. I cannot imagine anybody living in such a huge place! You would need an intercom to talk to each other in there! Sadly, husband and I didn't get the chance to see what's inside but next time we probably will.
Top Photo - part of Blickling Hall with the lovely flowers called 'wisteria.' They look really beautiful.
Bottom Photo - The marvelous Blickling Hall.