Sunday, 12 June 2011

My little piece of heaven

Some of you may already be aware that my son J has complex needs.  He doesn't walk.  He doesn't speak. I think I've written in one of my posts how I waited for milestones that never happened.  I waited and looked at the calendar each month, each year.  Then I stopped counting.

He was three years old when he held a feeding bottle.  He was four when he began to roll over.  Yes, when other three year olds and four year olds were learning to read and write, my son was only beginning to roll over.  Then he stopped doing them due to the intractable seizures.

I haven't given up though.  Because my husband and I talk to him each day and lately, we have been encouraging him to say 'Ahhh.'  This has been for a few days now, or maybe a week or so.

A few days ago, we got a response from him.

Yes.  A response.  After so many years of waiting.  I got a response.

He opened his mouth whilst in a lengthy gaze as I said 'ahhh' in front of him, asking him to copy me.  He moved his lips and opened his mouth like he was going to say 'ahhh'....but no sound came.  But he opened his mouth!  HE DID! Then he did it again, not once, not twice but several times.  With me.  Then with his Dad.

I got all misty-eyed.  I couldn't believe it! *Sigh*

I got a piece of heaven.

There's something there.  I know there is.  One day I know I'm going to see it.  It maybe wishful thinking but I know J is in there and he wants to come out.  I'd like to see it one day.  And hear his voice saying something.  Even if it's only to say 'Ahhh.'

Yes, that is heaven enough for me. And I'd like another piece of it someday.

"The most important things in life aren't things." -
Anthony J. D'Angelo


Have you heard of Carly's story? I found it on the internet, let me share it with you:


Lisha @ DeLovely Life said...

That is beautiful, Len. I'm so happy for you and your family! And I do believe that your hope for him will lead to wonderful things. And I hope you write about them!

Theresa Milstein said...

I love your hope and never-give-up attitude. You may have been dealt this, but you have persevered. Your child is lucky to have you and his dad. And I can tell how much you adore J. Thank you for sharing this special moment.

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

Oh, Len! How wonderful to hear J's voice! You have an amazing outlook. I'll be praying for many more of these moments for you. Thank you so much for sharing...You are a special woman. I'm so glad we are getting to know each other. :)

Wendy Lu said...

You are such a strong person and wonderful mother, Len. It must have been truly priceless being able to hear your son's voice after so long of trying and hoping. I know someday your unconditional love and never-ending hope and patience will be worth it and your prayers will be answered.

I was really touched when I read this post. Being someone who also has had major health issues all her life, I empathize with you, and my heart goes out to your family.


Glynis Peters said...

Len, I am thrilled for you! How wonderful, your heart must be overflowing. Hugs to you and J and a big hug for Little J. X ♥

Old Kitty said...

Len, wonderful Len!! Yay for you and hubby and your amazing and adorable boy!! May you have many many many more pieces of heaven!!

I'm at work at the moment so cannot watch the clip but will do when I'm home! Take care

WebbieLady said...

Indeed, themost important thing are not things... that's so lovely.

I also watched the vid... that is so touching... what a strong father she has!


Len Lambert said...

@Lisha - thank you! I will surely write about them :)

@Theresa - Thank you for the very kind words. I think that's what keeps me going - hope that something good will happen. I keep holding on to that.

@Sharon - Thank you. I'm so glad to get to know you too :) I hear J's voice only when he laughs. But this time he opened his mouth but no sound came. He still keeps opening his mouth copying me and his Dad. Hope one day he can put a sound, too. Hugs!

@Red Angel - Sorry to hear about your health. Thank you for the kind words. Life throws challenges at us and sometimes it is difficult but what keeps us sane is hope, isn't it?

@Glynis - Thank you and hugs back :)

@Old Kitty - the video is a story about a girl with autism who never spoke then something wonderful happened.

@Webbielady - Thanks for your comment - yes, the video is a beautiful story. I'm glad you liked it.

Susanna Leonard Hill said...

How wonderful for you, Len. And what an inspiration your hope and never-give-up attitude are. Your little boy is so lucky to have you. Your love for him shines through. Here's hoping that you'll have many more of these wonderful moments!

Deborah Walker said...

Ah, thanks for posting this. It really made me smile. Give J a big kiss from me.

Mason Canyon said...

Oh, how wonderful Len. Yes that is a bit of heaven and sounds like you will see more. Your faith and hope is wonderful and just what your amazing son needs. Sending you hugs, love and positive energy.

Thoughts in Progress
Freelance Editing By Mason

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That is wonderful! Keep believing. And I saw Carly's video last year. Proof that miracles do happen.

Margo Benson said...

How wonderful, Len! The love you and hubby surround J with will give you all many more pieces of heaven.

Thank you for sharing this with us - big hug!

Carly's story is beautiful.

Talli Roland said...

What a wonderful moment, Len -- I'm so happy you got a piece of heaven! Big hugs to you and J!

BIANCA: said...

wow tita len, i didn't know u had a blog...i do to, but i don't update it that much...i know how u feel about your angel, but it's a blessing that u still have him..u pretty much know what happened to my boy right? stay strong! let me share to you my favorite prayer (if u haven't hear it yet)

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

Lydia Kang said...

I'm so glad you had that bit of wonderfulness happen. It must be so hard to always be wishing for that little bit of response that means so much.

Melissa Sarno said...

:-) That made me smile. Beautiful story.

betchai said...

Len, it is a piece of heaven indeed, your joy brings tears of happiness to my day, what a very inspiring story Len, of never fading love and hope.

Anne-Mhairi Simpson said...

These are the times when I usually don't comment because I'm not a mother and I feel like everyone will look at me and think I don't have the right to an opinion. So I'm just going to say, I think that's wonderful and you and J are hitting milestones, just different ones to the general list. There'll be more to come, no doubt about it.

KM Nalle said...

What a wonderful gift. Your love, hope and faith are truly an inspiration. The quote and the video were wondeful too. Happy day to you!

Len Lambert said...

Thanks, everyone! :)

Devin Bond said...

I'm happy to hear about your son's progress! That's wonderful. :) Everyone has their own pace. I'm sure your son will be even more amazing in the future.

That video was very touching. I'm so happy she's found her voice. That's all anyone ever wants; is to be heard.

Icy BC said...

That sounds so wonderful, and I can feel how proud you are also through your words! Keep praying, hoping, and waiting for J to come out!

Susan Fields said...

I am so happy you got your piece of heaven, and I hope there are many, many more to come! Thanks for sharing Carly's video - what an inspirational and hopeful story!

Karen Mello Burton said...

Yay for every little step! I got all misty reading this!

And I have watched and shared Carly's story before. It is amazing.

LindyLouMac said...

Cherish every minute like that with your son.

Hilary said...

Hi Len ... I didn't know about your little boy - but it so definitely sounds as though the two of you are being wonderful parents ... and I am sure dreams will come true.

It's so fantastic that we can find uplifting stories like Carly's .. and that inspires other parents experiencing their own challenges ..

It is great news for you both .. long may you both continue finding your pieces of happiness with your son -

I'm so grateful to know .. thank you - with thoughts Hilary

Suze said...

Responding to your words is difficult to put into words. My prayers, best thoughts and hope are with J. And with you. Children mirror. Keep near and continue to do what you are doing.

I think it's like we all are interacting through a layer that keeps up separate-- and for some, that layer is just more opaque. But you're absolutely right in knowing that that doesn't mean someone is not in there, doing all they can to breach the obstruction. It's like we look at each other through a window, and he looks through a beveled cube. But he's still there.

Thank you for sharing this beautiful breakthrough.

Suze said...

I am very sad that I took quite a long time in responding to this post and that my comment has disappeared when I tried to post it.

Just know that your post has been read, processed and that my best prayers and thoughts are with your beautiful son.

Suze said...

Oh, my goodness. I didn't see that my comment would be visible after approval. Okay, well I'm quite the chatty Cathy on your post, now.

Have a beautiful weekend!

Jackee said...

Such a sweet post, Len! These special angels like your son go to special parents. You are perfect for the challenge, that's apparent to me. Thanks for sharing a little of his story with us.

Big hugs!