Friday, 21 January 2011

The Significant Other Blogfest by Mr JL

My wife, Len, has asked me to write this out for her on her blog.  The wife's 'The Boss' so we have to do what 'The Boss' says.  After all, I have a bit of free time now that I've finished washing the dishes.

The following are all about my wife, Len, who now writes in her spare time after leaving her corporate life to look after our son full time.  The first three items are answers to questions posted on DL's blog. (I will have to ask my wife to do the links for me, darn this blog!)

1.  Len loves pizzas to bits.  This always seems to stimulate her and puts her in a good mood.  Her favourite flavour is Pepperoni.

2.  Writing Habit - My wife doesn't have any writing routine.  She sometimes just sits with me in front of the television and starts writing by hand and when she does, she loses track of time.  I won't change any of her writing habits.

3.  It is very difficult to even think that my wife will not succeed as an author because I believe in her.  I am English-born and bred, yet I think my wife writes better English than I do.  I know she will succeed because she has the determination and in times of self-doubt, I am here to give her back her confidence.

(Sorry, I keep saying 'my wife' because that's how I refer to her when I talk about her...I will now try to refer to her as 'Len'...)

4.  My wife, sorry I mean Len, is a loving and very caring person.  Even in hard times, she has always shown her affection.  Having said that, I must say that she has bad days too and when that happens, I must disappear.

5.  As a wife, Len has an eye for detail and never lets me get away with anything which is not necessarily a bad thing - but what I don't understand is when I watch my favourite television programme, that's when she tries to tell me something that is very important.  But what can I do?  I'm just a mere man.

6.  Aside from writing, she loves public speaking and was a member of Toastmasters International in Manila.  She misses it and one day she may go back to it.

7.  Len had a short stint as a radio broadcaster.  This was years ago and I'd like to hear her again live on the radio.

8.  My wife can be really funny and comical.

9.  Some people have a funny reaction towards her as they automatically think she can't speak English because of her Asian looks.  When she starts to speak, they look startled.  Can you imagine how wonderful it would feel like for me when she gets published?  And I'd be grinning ear to ear. 

10.  She is not easily fooled.  She observes everything from getting the shopping to analysing documents and people.  Especially people.  I think that's the 'writer' in her.

Most of all, my wife Len is a loving wife and a good Mum and I'm proud of her.

Written by:  Mr JL (Len doesn't want me to reveal my identity..I don't mind becoming popular but it's her decision and this is her blog...and worst of all, I have to do what I'm told)


Len Lambert said...

Thanks very much to my husband for painstakingly doing this blog post for me. I wish I had the same sense of humour when I write. I think he's a natural when it comes to making people laugh. I hope he'll make you laugh by reading what he's written about me.

Thanks, love, for all the good words. Most of all, thank you for calling me 'The Boss'...even when it's not always the case...hehehe :)

Theresa Milstein said...

I really enjoyed this. Mr. Len, you wrote a very entertaining post. Feel free to return from time to time to tell us more about Ms. Len.

And how wonderful you're supportive of her writing. I'm sure it means the world to her.

Karen Mello Burton said...

Sweet! I can feel his love and respect for you.

Old Kitty said...

Awwww Mr JL! You brave man!! Awwww but this is such a lovely blog post in tribute to amazing Len - and she is so amazing and talented and beautiful and lovely!!!

I love that she's a toastmaster member - I have no idea what that is but I'm hoping it involves lots of champagne and chocolate and parties!!!!!!

Have a great Friday!! Take care

Rachael Harrie said...

That's just too funny :)



Ellie Garratt said...

Take a bow, Mr. JL. I really enjoyed what you had to say and can feel the love.

My significant other

S.A. Larsenッ said...

This was wonderful. He's got a great voice. A radio broadcaster??? Cool. And anything pizza rocks!

Talli Roland said...

Mr Len sounds fantastic! And the best thing: he knows who's boss, haha! :) I love his confidence in you, Len. He's lucky to have you, and vice versa!

Thanks for taking part!

Stephanie Lorée said...

Awww, so sweet! Thanks for participating, this was a great post.

Jessica Bell said...

So great to learn more about you, Len! :o) Mr Len sounds adorable!

Unknown said...

I loved this post! Len, you have a gem of a husband. His devotion to and support of your craft is heartwarming. Thanks to both of you for sharing!

Unknown said...

Thanks for giving us a peek into your world, Mr. JL!

Wendy Tyler Ryan said...

You sound very sweet and how lovely of you to do this for her.

Angela said...

What a loving, supportive spouse you are!

betchai said...

haha, this is funny JL :) thanks for sharing some interesting info about Len, love learning these stuff about her from you. I am glad you are proud of her, and so glad you wrote this for her.

Please say hi to Len :) miss her. hugs to you both.

Talei said...

I concur, take a bow Mr Len. Lovely to hear your thoughts on your lovely wife's writing! I'm so pleased that everyones significant others are so supportive!

Have a wonderful weekend Mr and Mrs Len! ;)

Lisa Galek said...

Having an eye for detail is one of the downfalls of being a writer. My husband kind of wishes I didn't pay so much attention all the time too!

Len Lambert said...

Hi everybody! Thanks for all the comments :) I must admit, the world is not always full of roses but I do have a wonderful husband but he does get jealous at time because I spend so much time on the computer after I've done my rough drafts by hand. I am trying to have a regular 1 to 2 hours of writing before bedtime as it's not possible to do this in the busy and manic mornings!

@Old Kitty - I was laughing here when I reading your message. Toastmasters is a public speaking critique club. It's like a writing critique club meeting but the difference is that you deliver your piece as a speech (you also write your speeches). It gives me the adrenalin rush, ahhhh! I miss it! :)

@Nicole - Tried many times to go over on your blog but my screen keeps freezing when I do, don't know what's wrong! Does your blog work better on Mozilla Firefox?

To everybody, I will try my best to visit everybody's post on The Significant Other but most likely I won't be able to finish this tonight so it will have to be this weekend.

Have a nice weekend dear friends! :)

Len Lambert said...

@Rachael Harrie - I'm hoping you will come back and read this message - I've added you on Facebook but not sure if that's you I found. Will e-mail you re. Crusaders. Hugs back, Rache!

DL Hammons said...

Mr. Len did an excellent job of letting us get to know you better Len. And he is well schooled in the art of letting you think your boss! :)

Thank you for taking part in the fun today!

Len Lambert said...

Hi DL! It's nice to have you on my blog, too! Thanks to you and Talli! I enjoyed every bit of this blogfest! I'm still catching up on reading all the posts! :)

Len Lambert said...

To everybody - My husband, Mr JL wants to say thank you. He wanted this post to be funny and I hope it was a success.

Lydia Kang said...

Umm, you do what you're told very well! This was a lovely tribute to your wife. Thanks for sharing!

Shannon said...

Awww...I love this post. Mr. Len is funny and quite charming post. I can see the love.

Thank you so much for sharing this.

G.~ said...

That was so sweet. Truly.

It's nice to meet the both you. My first time here and I plan on coming back.

You sound like a very interesting person with a wonderful and supportive husband.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Mr Len .. good to hear from you .. well I guess us women know when to grab your attention .. and you'll react!!

Mrs Len sounds fun .. and obviously her English must be good if she was in tv and has done Toastmasters ..

Good luck with supporting her writing .. the Boss always needs propping up and the occasional hug! Have a great weekend .. Hilary

Tessa Quin said...

Hi Len,

I just came over from Rach's blog (although the crusade hasn't officially started yet). Those are some fun and interesting facts about you.

Loree said...

We got to know you a bit better now Len. Wishing you success with your writing and hope you get published soon.

Vicki Rocho said...

I'm guilty of #5...talking during *the* tensest moment of the game. I know it's bad, but if I wait I'll forget!

LindyLouMac said...

Ciao Len and best wishes for 2011, I am back at last catching up on so much that I missed while I was away from the blogsphere! Thankyou for comments you left on LindyLouMac's Book Reviews while I was absent.

I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know you a little via your husbands amusing comments.

Maria Gemma Hilotin said...

len!!!! gotta love your husband! he's funny and loves you so much!!!
we really do have a lot to make chika about!!! been a long time!!!!... you've become famous!!! :))

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I think the fact that he simply couldn't stop refering to you as his wife made this post!

Denise Covey said...

Mr Len is a doll!

Nicole Zoltack said...

What a sweet, wonderful post! Thank you for taking part and sharing! :)

Elena Solodow said...

At least he knows to run and hide when you're having a bad day!

Ann said...

What a great post Len. Very smart man! With a great sense of humour.

Glynis Peters said...

A blip in my links caused me to miss this when it went live!

How lovely to learn more about my friend, from the man in her heart.

♥ the post.