Monday, 17 January 2011

The Significant Other Blogfest

Yes, another Blogfest!  I don't know what I'm getting myself into but I luuuurrrrvvee Blogfests and no matter how busy life is, it's fun getting even busier with all these Bllloooggs!

I've read Talli Roland's and DL's blogposts in December announcing The Significant Other Blogfest but I couldn't bring myself to ask my other half to do it for me.  But I don't want to miss it, really I don't, so tonight, after watching his favourite TV programme 'Question Time,'  I went up to him in the living room. This is when he is in a very good mood.  When he smiled at me, I thought it was the best time!  You see, he doesn't like reading blogs, let alone write the blog post for me!  But you know what?  He gave me a resounding YES!  Woo-hoo!!! So, yes, I'm taking part in The Significant Other Blogfest - this is when I give the floor to my husband to write about me.  Let's just hope he doesn't give too much information and reveal all my secrets on line!  I hope you come back on 21 January to read what my husband has to say!

If you haven't yet joined (come on, you know you really want to!), please click on the links below which will take you to Talli's and DL's Blogs:

Talli Roland

DL Hammons' Cruising Altitude


Theresa Milstein said...

I can't wait to hear from your husband. My husband would NEVER agree to write a post for me. Maybe on my deathbed to announce that I was on my deathbed, but that's it!

I'll be back on 1/21!

Old Kitty said...

Awwwwwww yay for your hubby!! I look forward to reading his blogpost!! Take care

Jules said...

I'm already in. BTW,I have something for you on my blog :D
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

Loribeth said...

Can't wait to read what he writes!

Talli Roland said...

Woooooooooo! Can't wait to read the post! :) And thanks for the link. :)

Karen Mello Burton said...

Oooooo, my husband would love to write a post for me...

Len Lambert said...

Hello everybody! I'm excited to read all the posts about you, too! I'm sure it's going to be a blast!

@Theresa - oooh, too bad, I was hoping I could read about you!

@Old Kitty - you didn't join the blogfest?

@Talli - Can't wait to read Mr. TR's post! :) Thanks for the Blogfest!

@Jules - you're so sweet. Thanks so much for the award! :)

@Kazzy - looking forward to read your husband's post! I will be over to your blog! :)

Len Lambert said...

Hi Loribeth - thanks...have you not joined the 'fest? Would love to know more about you! :)

Rachelle Christensen said...

This sounds so much fun. I'm glad you stopped by my blog so I could come visit you and find out about this. I'll have to see how persuasive I can be with my hubby. :)

Loree said...

Sounds interesting but I doubt my hubby would say yes. He hates writing.

Lisha @ DeLovely Life said...

Yeah I think it'd be a cold day in hades before my husband would blog. Ha! No really. Oh goodness. Well, I can't wait to read what he has to say. And it was lovely seeing you again! Thanks for visiting, friend. :)

Katie Anderson said...

That sounds like a very interesting concept for a blog fest. You'll just have to make sure that you're nice to him for the few days before so he doesn't try and get revenge!