Mood: Better.
I've just finished reading a fiction novel, Lottery, written by Patricia Wood, that really brought me to tears of laughter. Even days after finishing the whole book, the characters stayed with me. It was a really good book of friendship, of love, of loyalty, name it it's in that book. So now that I'm done with a fiction, I've started reading Wayne Dyer's Power of Intention. I love Dr Wayne Dyer. I've read his book, The Real Magic, a few years ago, lent to me by a good friend Ruby, and boy it changed my life! Last night, out of curiosity, I looked Dr Dyer up on the internet and of course when you are given links, you click on each link and the web just takes you to different sites. It took me to a lot of information about another one of my favourite writers, Louise Hay, and then it took me to youtube. After all of clicking away on these different links, I was taken to a very beautiful song called, How could anyone tell you? by Libby Roderick. Please click here to listen to this beautiful song and I'm sharing with you the lyrics as well (below). I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
How could anyone ever tell you?
By Libby Roderick
How could anyone ever tell you
You were anything less than beautiful?
How could anyone ever tell you
You were less than whole?
How could anyone fail to notice
That your loving is a miracle?
How deeply you're connected to my soul
It may take awhile before the song grows on you. I fell in love with the lyrics. I think that every human being must know this and hear this song. Each of us, no matter what we think of ourselves, no matter how horrible we see ourselves to be, I believe that we all must know that goodness is inherent in each one of us., that if there is anything that we should focus on, it is that goodness inside.
A really beautiful song.
I love the lyrics of that song. Thank you for reminding me about the inherent goodness inside. It is so easy to forget.
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